Category Archives: Mindfulness

I fell off my chair during my online class!

Happy Asian woman in hijab raising arms and stretching body while working with laptop in cozy cafe
Image Source:

Teachers have always been associated with having a lot of movement in their workplace. The nature of teaching and checking on students always allowed teachers to be ambulant and move around the classroom. However, COVID-19 has sent most ESL teachers home and behind their laptops all day long. Besides physical issues that sedentary behaviour can bring to everyone, it can affect the creativity and eagerness of teachers despite their good intentions. Here are five tips for those at home who feel the pain in their back and knees and want a change!

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Maintaining Balance & Thriving During COVID-19

Painted rocks, creative outlet, message of hope.
Image source: Gonul Turkdogan

What can EAP/ESL/EFL instructors do if they are laid off or have much reduced hours during COVID-19? This question concerns most of us. Like many others, I was laid off. I believe that with persistence and creativity we can stay positive. As examples to stimulate discussion, here are several things that I have found beneficial.  

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Summary of #teslONchat’s discussion on #Mindfulness

On July 31, 2020 we had our first Twitter chat labeled with the hashtag #teslONchat. The purposes of these chats are to connect with the TESL Ontario community and discuss a specific topic for one hour on a Friday evening once a month. 

Our first chat focused on the topic of #Mindfulness and it was moderated by Anjum Karimi (@anjum_karimi). Anjum recently presented a #TESLwebinar around the same topic. She has extensive experience in the ELT field and is very passionate about leading a mindful life. You can also connect with Anjum through her LinkedIn profile. Continue reading