It’s 2017 and we’ve got some exciting ways for you to get involved with the TESL Ontario community! With each new year comes the reminder of our membership renewal – and our 10 hours of PD experience. For some, our locals have many ongoing opportunities to connect with each other and learn within the community of practice. For others, the TESL Ontario Conference allows us to travel, share our experience and research, as well as build a network beyond our local reach. But what about those of us who might not have the time, the funds, or the opportunities to meet face to face? TESL Ontario has some great virtual opportunities for you so you can gain PD hours, connect with other members, and continue to expand your professional skills in education and beyond.
Whether you’re the reflective type, the business type, the videomaker type, or the virtual communicator type, we have diverse options. We’ve highlighted 5 great opportunities for you to explore in 2017:
1. TESL Ontario Blog Team: Occasional Bloggers
Deadline: Open (accepts new submissions all year)
Link: https://teslontario.net/volunteer-job-board#bloggers
This opportunity is perfect for those who find a moment to steal away from planning, marking, or all the other commitments we have as professionals. Taking a couple of hours to reflect on memorable experiences in the classroom working with ELLs can benefit you in a number of ways.
- The practice of writing down those moments can rejuvenate you.
- Having your experience published gets your name out there and a chance to build connections with other members.
- You can earn 2 hours of PD towards your membership renewal.
2. LinkedIn Account Manager
Application Deadline: January 25th, 2017 (That’s THIS Wednesday!)
Link: https://teslontario.net/volunteer-job-board#linkedinmanager
Many of us search on LinkedIn for multiple reasons – even if we don’t have an account. It’s where we go for business opportunities, groups, and field-specific information and trends. If you’re the type who always keeps your LinkedIn account up to date and eager to check your notifications (like some of us do with Twitter or Facebook!), then this is an opportunity for you to check out. Here’s the breakdown:
- You get to keep the TESL Ontario LinkedIn page up to date.
- You get to manage the TESL Ontario LinkedIn group and add content to keep group members active.
- You get to be part of a team that brainstorms and acts upon innovative ideas and projects.
3. YouTube Channel Manager
Application Deadline: February 4, 2017
Link: https://teslontario.net/volunteer-job-board#youtubemanager
Ok, who isn’t always going to YouTube to check out the latest video? YouTube has brought a whole new way of easily finding a new format of researching what’s new in the field and has really allowed introverted auditory learners to stay motivated in professional development. Some reasons you might want to be TESL Ontario’s YouTube Channel Manager:
- You have a passion for providing professionals with access to quality and engaging videos.
- You have new ideas for engaging our membership and building the channel’s following.
- You know there’s more to YouTube than cute cat videos…
3. Video Volunteers
Application Deadline: February 4, 2017
Link: https://teslontario.net/volunteer-job-board#videovolunteer
Maybe you don’t want to manage a whole channel, but you really like the backend of creating videos. If you’re the type of person who watches a video and thinks “they really should have cut that spot a bit sharper” or “that music was too loud and distracting, I probably would have only used it for the intro”, then this position might be for you. This is for you if
- you like the backend of things and tinkering,
- you have an eye for detail but can also see the big picture, and
- you’re comfortable with technology.
4. Webinar Moderators
Application Deadline: February 15, 2017
Link: https://teslontario.net/volunteer-job-board#moderators
If you’ve been a participant in one of the TESL Ontario webinars, then you have witnessed the amazing work our moderators do to keep the conversation flowing. The moderators welcome you and help you sort out technical issues so that you can have a good experience either as a participant or a presenter. Some benefits to being a TESL Ontario Webinar Moderator include
- being part of an amazing team (seriously, I’ve met some of them and they are wonderful!),
- building new technology skills with an online conferencing platform, and
- getting a VIP seat at the webinar (you get to talk to the presenter before and after, so it’s kind of like a VIP backstage pass).
5. Choose Your Own Adventure
The fifth option is a customized one. We’d like to hear if you already have other ideas of how you’re going to get your PD hours covered this year. Why not share those ideas with our members and spread the creativity! Some ideas might be
- learning a new language that can benefit your experience with learners,
- volunteering or mentoring in another capacity, or
- publishing research articles.
Hopefully one of these opportunities interest you if you’re looking for ways to get involved. Tell us what’s on your list! Make 2017 a year to remember and build your professional portfolio.
Hi Tamsin,
You’ve given some awesome reasons to join one of the volunteer teams with TESL Ontario. This year besides continuing as part of the TESL ON Blog admin team, I just downloaded duolingo so that I can spend at least ten minutes a day learning Spanish. Of course, at this rate I’ll never be fluent, but it will be fun to learn and practice.!
Beth, that sounds awesome! I was at a conference this Friday and there was a person from a French speaking college, and I was so captured by her communication. It definitely made me want to pick up my French textbooks and take more courses. I hope you’ll pass along some Spanish lessons to us