As we open our new calendars (for those of us who love paper calendars) to start 2019, we begin to think about what the new year has in store and maybe some of us dabble in making New Year’s Resolutions. But what if there was a way to not only reach some of our own goals, but also build a stronger community? This year, that’s an achievable endeavor. TESL Ontario has many ways for us to get involved with our community, connect with peers, and check off some professional goals.
1. TESL Ontario Blog Administrator
Do you like working behind the scenes? Is your superpower editing? Then maybe joining the Blog team as an administrator is for you.
Key Details
- current TESL Ontario member
- able to commit to at least 1 year
- comfortable with technology as this is completely online
- strong communication skills
- attention to detail
For more information and the application, visit the Volunteer Job Board.
Deadline: January 6, 2019
2. TESL Ontario Guest Blogger
Do you like writing? Do you like sharing your knowledge over a cup of coffee with coworkers? Then consider transferring those skills to the TESL Ontario Blog team as a blogger.
Key Details
- current TESL Ontario member
- able to submit posts monthly
- strong communication skills
- able to commit to at least 1 year
- enjoy sharing knowledge and supporting the field
For more information and the application, visit the Write for Us page on the TESL Ontario website.
3. Webinar Development Manager
Do you like creating opportunities for your peers to learn and connect? Then consider joining the Webinar team as a development manager.
Key Details
- current TESL Ontario member
- strong networking skills
- confident technology skills
- enjoy researching meaningful and relevant potential topics for the TESL Ontario community
For more information and application, visit the Volunteer Job Board page.
Deadline: January 6, 2019
4. LinkedIn Manager
Do you like connecting professionals with opportunities? Then maybe the TESL Ontario LinkedIn Manager position is for you.
Key Details
- current TESL Ontario member
- ability to research relevant groups on LinkedIn platform
- experience with various Social Media platforms
- able to commit to at least 1 year
For more information and application, visit the Volunteer Job Board page.
Deadline: January 6, 2019
5. Conference Committee
Do you enjoy attending the TESL Ontario annual conference? Are you interested in planning and organizing? Then maybe the Conference Committee is an opportunity for you.
Key Details
- 2 positions: Technology Lead and Committee Member
- current TESL Ontario member
- strong communication skills
- ability to plan and implement
- ability to attend the conference
For more information and application, visit the Volunteer Job Board.
Deadline: January 6, 2019
These are all great opportunities for you to make 2019 a year of connections and development.