Advantages of Bigger Class sizes
Most public schools globally have larger class sizes than private schools. This is due to the fact that accommodating larger groups of students lowers the cost of building extra classrooms, buying extra equipment and hiring more teachers. On the other hand, it is often argued that children from diverse backgrounds bring different perspectives and experiences to the classroom, making for a varied learning environment.
Advantages of Smaller Class Sizes
However, there are several downsides to large classes. Studies show that primary school students benefitted significantly from smaller class sizes, especially those from poorer backgrounds. Students from a similar economic background find it easier to bond with each other, have more opportunities to interact with the teacher and are more confident about their learning. The teacher also finds it easier to manage class time, classroom behavior and generally give more individual attention. There are fewer distractions and the teacher can be assured of greater participation. Besides, she will be able to cover more material and ensure better understanding of the taught content. In addition, she will be able to devote more time to assessments and give tailored feedback. Finally, smaller class sizes could help to spare time for differentiated instruction as well.
Moreover, the emphasis on student-led classrooms has paved the way for learner-oriented instruction such as the communicative language teaching approach. This approach works optimally with smaller groups of 15-18 students or fewer. Smaller class sizes increase student engagement, achievement and satisfaction. Both teachers and students are reported to feel more comfortable interacting in smaller groups. Not only is it easier to monitor behavioural issues in small groups, but smaller class sizes also promote ‘active learning’ – a term frequently used to define any instructional method which aids learning.
While this blog article weighs heavily in favour of small class sizes, the benefits of large class sizes cannot be ignored altogether. With the rising demand for education at reasonable costs, large class sizes will continue to be the norm in many places around the world.
Do you prefer large or small class sizes? Start a conversation below!
I prefer smaller class sizes for all levels. It’s better all around for the teachers and students. Lower levels, such as Literacy, and CLB 1 & 2, benefit from smaller class sizes. In LINC, Literacy classes are capped at 10. Students get more individual attention from the teacher, which they need at this level. With higher levels, such CLB 4/5 I taught this summer, there’s an opportunity for students to work in small groups, and even lead some parts of the class. On a more pragmatic note, larger class sizes for the higher levels makes individual speaking tasks time consuming, as is marking longer form writing. However, the bottom line for the government is to get as many students in and through the LINC and ESL system.