Boost your instruction with Free TESOL courses
Since 2001, the Electronic Village Online (EVO) has offered free, online courses starting in mid-January and finishing in mid-February. Facilitators and organizers volunteer their time and expertise to contribute to our profession. Participants learn through lecture, activities and peer discussions on relevant TESOL topics. Course facilitators and participants share fresh perspectives from their diverse experience and expertise.
Participation Expectations
As in most online courses, especially MOOCs, participants’ involvement is a personal choice. They may simply survey the course materials, ignore assessments and lurk during interactive discussions. While others may complete all required activities, assessments and actively participate in online discussions. The choice is theirs, but most courses expect a few hours of attention each week. Upon successful completion or participation, most courses offer certificates.
Beyond learning new genres and techniques in your profession, this is an excellent networking opportunity to meet TESOL professionals from around the globe. It is eye opening to learn various perspectives on issues influenced by working conditions, politics, culture or personal tendencies. There are also opportunities to discuss issues in weekly chat sessions.
TESOL 2019
There is an opportunity to meet up with course participants and facilitators to enhance the networking experience at the annual TESOL International conference. Representatives from most of the courses are present at the TESOL International Electronic Village each March to meet with participants face to face to discuss the online courses and lessons learned from the experience. Often, improved versions of the courses are offered the following year to continuously shape enhanced learning experiences.
For more information about the EVO, administrators and facilitators, surf to the EVO main page at http://evosessions.pbworks.com/w/page/10708567/2019_CfP_Info. Courses run from January 13 to February 16, 2019.
14 Courses in 2019
The Electronic Village Online is offering 14 courses this year. These include:
- Getting Online as a Teacherpreneur
- Simplified Student-directed Teaching Methodology
- Job oriented training for ESP teachers
- Mother Tongue Use in the EFL Classroom
- Adventure game: Escape Room
- Flipped Learning in Language Teaching
- Are You a Fair Tester?
- PBL (Project Based Learning)
- Teaching EFL to Young Learners
- Information and Communication Technology for English Language Teachers
- Techno -Content and Language Integrated Learning
- Seamless Classroom Management with EdTech
- Teaching Pronunciation Differently
- Moodle for Teachers
- QR Codes in Action
I have participated in several EVO courses in the past as a participant and as a facilitator. I have found them rewarding and influential on my professional path. I recommend that you consider trying one in January.
Information on the Electronic Village Online can be found at the following web spaces.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/electronicvillageonline
GooglePlus: https://goo.gl/s8UNY1
Twitter: https://twitter.com/electronicVO
Mailing list: https://tinyletter.com/electronicvillageonline
Thanks for supporting us by providing courses
Lalani you are welcome. Glad to share and hope that TESL Ontario members take advantage of some of these offerings.
Great to hear from you. I am from Sri Lanka. I am not a TESL Ontario member. I am a member of TESOL
Super cool!
The courses look very interesting. Do you earn PD hours if taken? How do I register for them?
Jeannette, that is a great question. I am not an athourity but if you surf to http://www.teslontario.org/professional-development-standard And look under PD Recognition Standard the following is written:
To be recognized as PD, an activity must meet the following criteria:
It will increase the participants’ knowledge of the theories, methods, or techniques of teaching English as a second/foreign language or their knowledge of a subject closely related to TESL/TEFL such as principles of adult learning, classroom management, diversity training, culture, multiculturalism, assessment, and technology in the classroom.
It will augment participants’ teaching English as a second language skills and classroom performance.
PD is above and beyond the day-to-day requirements of the applicant’s professional duties. Therefore, an activity (or a component of an activity) the applicant is required to carry out as part of their daily professional responsibilities does not count towards the PD hours required for accreditation renewal.
TESL Ontario acknowledges that accredited members experience professional development regularly in the performance of their teaching responsibilities and there are many valuable PD activities they may participate in during work hours or personal time. The activities listed under “Activities Recognized as PD” are confined to those specific PD activities that can be used for the purposes of accreditation renewal.
Please note that additional PD hours completed in any given accreditation year cannot be carried over to the following accreditation year, with the excepton of those hours completed during the renewal month. PD hours during the renewal month can be considered for either the current accreditation year or the new one.