If you’re a Twitter user, read on to learn how you can join the next #CdnELTchat. Below is a recap of the October 23rd chat from the #CdnELTchat moderators.
Being able to use learning strategies and study skills can empower students to become independent learners. What learning strategies and study skills do English language learners need to support their language learning journey? Bonnie Jean Nicholas (@EALStories) and Jennifer Chow (@jennifermchow) moderated a #CdnELTchat to explore this topic.
Thank-you so much to the enthusiastic participants who contributed their ideas and shared resources during this chat.
Q1: Do you distinguish between skills and strategies? How? How do you define these terms?
Click HERE to read A1 tweets.
Q2. Do you think learning strategies and study skills need to be explicitly taught to students? Why or why not?
Click HERE to read A2 tweets.
Q3: What learning strategies and study skills do you teach your students?
Click HERE to read A3 tweets.
Q4: What paper-based or digital tools or apps do you introduce to your students to help them study?
Click HERE to read A4 tweets.
Q5: How do you (or do you) teach the “soft skills” (people skills, emotional intelligence) necessary for success, like stress management, anxiety reduction, and time management? Is there room for this in your program?
Click HERE to read A5 tweets.
To read all the tweets on this topic, follow the complete discussion HERE.
New to #CdnELTchat?
If you have never participated in #CdnELTchat before, go to www.lincchat.ca for more information. #CdnELTchat is self-directed PD, so you determine the level of your involvement. #CdnELTchats usually occur every other Tuesday, with occasional exceptions. Feel free to use the #CdnELTchat hashtag between chats to share thoughts and links with others. If you have any have comments about #CdnELTchat , please send @StanzaSL, @EALStories, @Jennifermchow, or @LINCinstructor a tweet. Please join us for the next #CdnELTchat. Add your ideas HERE.