ESL Week Contest Turns Groans into Creative Fun!

ESL Week makes me think about a particular student. Her first day is still crystal clear in my memory. Nervous, shy and just plain scared, she chose to say, “No English” mostly with gestures. I must have been blind as I did not see the butterfly about to emerge from that cocoon in a few […]


Revisiting WebQuests

I am currently developing learning opportunities for blended learning courses with English as a Foreign Language students.  Over the summer, I have had a few months to add some motivating learning objects to these courses. One of my courses calls for a group project based on Internet research. Using the term research is a stretch […]


Thank You for the Music!

Have you ever noticed that when ABBA sings they don’t sound Swedish? Country singer Mel Tillis, a chronic stutterer, lost his speech impediment when performing. There has to be something that happens to your voice when you sing. That’s why I often use music in the classroom.   In June, we were working on noun/verb contractions. One student said he […]


End of Year Reflections – for Students and Teachers!

As another school year is almost at a close, it is time for end-of-year reflections – for both students and teachers alike. At the beginning of each school year, my students set goals for their language learning. They begin by assessing where they see their strengths and weaknesses, then selecting one or two specific areas […]

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Oddly English

I was rummaging through my books when I stumbled upon two favourites I’d purchased when I attended one of TESL’s AGMs in London,Ontario. The main speaker that day was Katherine Barber, who captivated us with her wit and in-depth knowledge of the English language. Barber was the editor-in-chief of the dictionary department at Oxford University […]

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Listen to Me!

One of the five classes in my EAP course is a 50-minute a day listening class. It’s always been the most difficult for me to teach, partly because it’s directly after lunch, when students are  not the most awake! Over the years I’ve tried various teaching resources, searching for the most effective texts and material […]
